June Journal Club

June's Journal Club Article for discussion is: A systematic literature review of physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches to lower-limb amputation. - Özlem Ülger, Tezel Yıldırım Şahan & Seher Erol Çelik



The CMSUK Journal Club aims to:

- Promote research methods & evidence-based discussions in CMSUK membership

- Support case managers in reading papers & making sense of research

- Consider implications of wider healthcare research to case management practice as well as reviewing case management research

The article for discussion will be shared at least 2 weeks before the event.

Meet the panelists:

Dr Devdeep Ahuja - Devdeep is a co-founder and clinical director of RTW Plus Ltd. Devdeep is a physiotherapist by background with strong focus on complex trauma, amputations and chronic pain. He worked in India and UK as a clinical physiotherapist before transitioning to case management services. After working in one of the largest rehabilitation companies in UK, first as a case manager and then as clinical lead, Devdeep gained hands on experience of undertaking detailed needs assessments and developing and implementing rehabilitation plans.  Devdeep completed his doctorate looking at factors influencing adherence and attendance in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. He has presented at over 25 conferences internationally as well as running training courses for healthcare professionals around workplace rehabilitation. He has also published over 40 articles in various healthcare magazines and journals.

Devdeep is now responsible for clinical leadership of a multidisciplinary team of case managers. He is also passionate about research, innovation and development in rehabilitation and healthcare services. He has won multiple awards from CSP, VRA and other industry bodies for his research and practice.  Devdeep leads the research sub-committee of CMSUK helping promote evidence-based practice in rehabilitation services in UK.

Dr Dee Burrows - Dee was awarded her doctorate in 2000 for her thesis on the identification and use of self-generated pain coping strategies. She has been involved in pain research and service development, returning to full time clinical work in pain management 17 years ago. She sees a wide variety of patients; undertakes medication reviews, TENS / ENM treatments and delivers individualised Pain Education Programmes based upon the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and / or Compassion Focused Therapy. Dee works part time in the NHS; independently with people who have pain; and co-owns “Energise Health”, which offers self-management courses to people who have sustained an injury, or who have a long-term condition. Dee is Chair of the Primary & Community Care Special Interest Group (SIG) of the British Pain Society and a member of CMSUK and the Research Committee. She co-authored the Faculty of Pain Medicine standards for nursing practice in pain, is involved in several initiatives on the rationale use of opioids and contributes to the Footsteps pain festival.

Sue Ford - Sue qualified as a Nurse (RGN/RSCN) in 1989, working in various adult and children’s nursing settings in London and Sheffield, before qualifying as a nurse teacher and working in healthcare education for many years.

Following an increasing interest in case management and rehabilitation, Sue left her role at the University of York in 2011 to become a Director/Case Manager at Bridge Case Management.  She carries a caseload of clients, mainly polytrauma and serious orthopaedic cases, adults and children, and is passionate about promoting the added value good case management can bring to client outcomes.

Sue is Vice Chair of the CMSUK Board, Chair of the Membership Committee and led the development of the 2018 revision to the Code of Ethics.  Sue is keen to use her experience in education to support the ongoing work of the CMSUK on the development of professional pathways for case managers and to ensure best practice is shared and developed.

Deborah Lindley - Deborah is an experienced Occupational Therapist who has extensive clinical experience working with adult and teenage clients who have sustained brain injuries, other life changing injuries, and long-term neurological conditions. She has worked for over 20 years within the industry, promoting clients’ independence and is passionate about helping people lead meaningful and purposeful lives.  

The completion of her undergraduate degree in 1991 and post-graduate degree in 2000 gave her solid foundations for her career as an Occupational Therapist and Case Manager.  Deborah’s diverse caseload experience has helped her develop a broad range of skills so that she can positively impact the issues that are relevant and important to people who have health problems. She has substantial expertise in neurological rehabilitation and the management of long term conditions.  

Deborah is registered with the Health Professions Council, and is a member of the British Association of Occupational Therapists, the College of Occupational Therapists Specialist Section – Independent Practice, and CMSUK and BABICM.

Helen Ovans - Helen is a registered Occupational Therapist by profession, with clinical experience of acute, post–acute, community and vocational rehabilitation in the private sector for people with acquired brain injury.

She has a diverse professional background, having started her career working for commercial sales companies, progressing to managerial roles. She later retrained as an Occupational Therapist with a particular area of interest working with brain injury and catastrophic injuries.  Helen also works as a HPL lecturer for Worcester University, collaborating on the development of a student led clinic and lecturing to both undergraduates and graduate AHP students.

She has worked as a case manager with a complex adult and paediatric case load for several national case management companies. She now provides professional mentoring to case managers at Independent Living Solutions, bringing together commercial, clinical and educational experience to support the development of individuals in the case manager role.  As an active member of the CMSUK Board with a place on the Events and Research Committees as well as chairing the Communications Committee, she is passionate about innovation and development of best practice to promote the professional development and evidence base for case managers.

Price: Member FOC | Non-member £25

The member rate applies to those with a paid annual membership only and not those with a pending or lapsed membership.  Delegate passes are non-transferrable and non-refundable.  Should you need help with your booking, please contact info@cmsuk.org.

Payment update: Please note that due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and our efforts to keep our staff safe, we no longer accept cheques.  Please pay by Paypal or BACS transfer.

Venue Online
Date Friday 25th June 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Contact CMSUK Office Team
Email info@cmsuk.org

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