Role of the Property & Finance Deputy during (and after) litigation proceedings

Presentation Aims:  

To give the attendee an overview of what to expect from a Deputy in a litigation claim from the first interim payment to after settlement

What will attendees learn?  

  • Why a client might need a P&F deputy
  • Very briefly the legal background and application process to deputyship appointment and litigation quantum
  • Lay v professional deputy
  • What happens before a deputy is appointed
  • Role and responsibilities of a P&F deputy
  • Making best interest decisions including when moral or ethical dilemmas
  • Practicalities of managing an IP e.g authorisations, restrictions, is the cost included in the litigation?
  • The deputy and case manager relationship- who does what
  • What happens on settlement e.g approval hearing,. Budgeting etc

What will attendees benefit from the webinar?

As above. General overview which will hopefully help Case Managers when working with deputies on cases.

Who is the webinar for?

Case Managers.

Meet the presenter: Amy Chater

Amy is a Solicitor and Partner at Leigh Day. She specialises in property and finance deputyships as the professional deputy, personal injury trusts, powers of attorney and finance related Court of Protection applications.

Amy has worked as an independent mental capacity assessor and is a qualified registered nurse with a Masters degree in Medical Law & Ethics.

Date: Friday 20th January 2023

Time: 12.00pm - 1.00pm

Price: FOC Members | £25.00 Non-members                    Paypal or BACS transfer payments accepted only.  Please enter your name and/or invoice number as reference   Delegate passes are non-transferrable and non-refundable.  

The member rate applies to those with a paid annual membership only and not those with a pending or lapsed membership. 

If you have any questions or queries please email us or call 01329 446959.

Venue Zoom
Date Friday 20th January 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

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