CMSUK Study Day: Can rehab prescriptions help evidence the need for early funding in complex MDT rehabilitation?

CMSUK are delighted to announce that the above titled Study Day has been organised for Wednesday 21st September 2016 in Birmingham

Sponsored with thanks by:

Two statutory  inter disciplinary services, specialising in the rehabilitation of Orthopaedic trauma and ABI are now offering  private access to this expertise  which is evidenced by rigorous outcome measures and clinical governance . The services can provide reports to :

  • assess  
  • endorse
  • evidence
  • cost  

The benefits of funding  comprehensive, multi disciplinary approach to  brain injury and Musculo -skeletal rehabilitation .

A day aimed at those involved in advocating and evidencing the efficacy of the provision of complex MDT rehabilitation pathways to progress the rehabilitation .

The intended learning outcomes of the day are:

  • Being aware of these resources as a source of independent evidence to corroborate recommendations being made .
  • Being able to access these services to assess and deliver treatment .
  • Being aware of these services to objectively periodically  review progress of rehabilitation being delivered.

The Venue:

The day will be run at the DWF offices in Birmingham, One Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA

The Speakers:

Alan Murray, Group Service Development Manager, MSK Group, Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Alan graduated as a state registered physiotherapist in 1991.  He began his clinical career with North Tyneside Health Authority in 1992 and later moved to Sheffield Teaching hospitals where he specialised in Musculoskeletal Out-patient Physiotherapy. He has worked Clinically in the private sector and the NHS and has held a number of Senior Managerial roles with Therapy services.  In his current role as Service Development Manager he is responsible for the development of NHS services and commercial opportunities within therapies.  As an outdoors enthusiast Alan first came to Sheffield drawn by the climbing opportunities and when not at work can usually be found hanging off a piece of rock at home or abroad.

Sarah Rogers, Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist
Sarah qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 1998 from St. Martin’s University College in Lancaster and started working at the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham. For the last 13 years Sarah has worked for Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and has specialised in the treatment of individuals who have sustained complex trauma.  Sarah currently holds a Clinical Specialist position at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and works collaboratively with her colleague Nicki Noden in the development of vocational services; Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) and work rehabilitation for private patients at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust as a member of Sheffield TherapyWorks’.

Justine Fawcett, Head Occupational Therapist and Clinical Specialist

Justine Fawcett qualified at an Occupational Therapist in 1991 from the University of Ripon & York St. John, York. In 1996 she graduated through Wolverhampton University with an Honours Degree in Health Studies.

She has wide clinical experience in the rehabilitation of people with complex and multiple injuries particularly specialising in acquired brain injury.  Since 1997 Justine has been the Head Occupational Therapist at Icanho, a community based Interdisciplinary rehabilitation centre for adults with acquired brain injuries, initially founding the clinical side of the service. She continues to work part time as the Head Occupational Therapist at Icanho.  Her work includes assessment of skills and deficits and identification of rehabilitation needs; designing and implementing individualised rehabilitation programmes with a particular specialism in cognitive rehabilitation and vocational rehabilitation.  She also works as an Independent Occupational Therapist and Expert Witness, with fourteen years experience preparing rehabilitation costing reports in personal injury and medical negligence cases. 

Hilary Davison - Clinical Psychologist

Hilary Davison qualified as a Clinical Psychologist in 1984 from the Institute Of Psychiatry, Kings College, London University.  In 2007 she returned to the Institute and completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology.

She has extensive experience in working as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist with people with learning disabilities.  She has been working as Head psychologist at Livability Icanho since 2003.  Icanho is a community based interdisciplinary rehabilitation centre for adults with acquired brain injuries.   She lectures regularly at the University of East Anglia and the University of Essex and has presented her clinical work at regional and national forums.  In her clinical practice she specialises in working with individuals and couples adjusting to life after brain injury; the treatment of anxiety and depression, as well as treating people with diagnosed post concussion syndrome.  She has expertise and experience in Neurocognitive assessments for the purposes of rehabilitiation.

The Programme:

 9:30 Registration
10:00  Introduction by Jo Evans (CMSUK Director)

Service presentation by : Livability Icanho
Livability Icanho Specialist Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service

  • Offering  comprehensive, interdisciplinary informed  assessment of  adults who have suffered an ABI requiring community based rehabilitation .
  • Renowned for  bespoke assessment providing  comprehensive outcome measures and evidence of efficacy for approach treatment by a specialist and experienced team
11:30 Questions / Reflection
12:00 Lunch Break / Networking

Service presentation by : STW  Sheffield TherapyWorks is able to provide a comprehensive assessment and unique rehabilitation and return to work assessment and access to treatment which takes advantage of a MDT approach ,  the expertise, experience and specialised facilities the NHS has to offer which includes :

  • Purpose built facility
  • Expert and experienced MDT team
  • Wide range of Specialised Facilities including a gymnasium, Hydrotherapy pool, workshop and work simulation equipment ( Primus BTE ) .
  • A strong culture of governance, safety and quality control supported by outcome measures and strong evidence of outcomes .
  • Happy to collaborate and develop bespoke solutions
 1:30 Questions / Reflection
 2:00 Close



Venue DWF Birmingham, One Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA
Date Wednesday 21st September 2016
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Contact Heather Roberts

Request a Callback
